It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like
❤️ DAYS OF GIVING!!!! ❤️
Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month everyone! And with it, lots of goodies, give aways, and prizes are on their way to you all.
Firstly, as I'm sure you're all aware from my yelling, we are running our annual Days of Giving again this year. So pop on by the Discord and OOC chat to see what we're dishing out this time. (Hint hint: day 1 can be found here) Along with it is also a brand new secret santa gift exchange, and you have until the 12th to sign up for that!
Also in OOC chat is the new challenges for December and January. 10 new challenges, plus a bonus, for a potential total of 700 dazzles on top of all the writing you will do. Check them out here!
You may also have noticed some new resources around the site as we continue to port over previous encyclopedias and information from the old site, as well as add new wealths of information for your usage. As part of that, the plot request thread is back in Subplots, the witch spells and druid materials/runes lists have been reuploaded into the Species forum, and we have a brand new Scents (and tastes) For Dummies resource for all your carnivorous character needs. There will be more of this sort of stuff on the way, so keep an eye out for that >.>
In terms of SWEs, we shall have some for you about mid month, just in time for all the Christmassy cheer. If that makes you sad, or you're just looking to complete the monthly challenges ASAP, don't despair! You can find plenty of other SWEs to write in here, including last year's Christmas charity ball for Seattle General Hospital and New Year's celebration. Plus, if you’ve got any ideas you’d like to see turned in an SWE, please feel free to request it using the form here!
Happy holidays, and happy writing! ❤️
Edited by Cain Adams
Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month everyone! And with it, lots of goodies, give aways, and prizes are on their way to you all.
Firstly, as I'm sure you're all aware from my yelling, we are running our annual Days of Giving again this year. So pop on by the Discord and OOC chat to see what we're dishing out this time. (Hint hint: day 1 can be found here) Along with it is also a brand new secret santa gift exchange, and you have until the 12th to sign up for that!
Also in OOC chat is the new challenges for December and January. 10 new challenges, plus a bonus, for a potential total of 700 dazzles on top of all the writing you will do. Check them out here!
You may also have noticed some new resources around the site as we continue to port over previous encyclopedias and information from the old site, as well as add new wealths of information for your usage. As part of that, the plot request thread is back in Subplots, the witch spells and druid materials/runes lists have been reuploaded into the Species forum, and we have a brand new Scents (and tastes) For Dummies resource for all your carnivorous character needs. There will be more of this sort of stuff on the way, so keep an eye out for that >.>
In terms of SWEs, we shall have some for you about mid month, just in time for all the Christmassy cheer. If that makes you sad, or you're just looking to complete the monthly challenges ASAP, don't despair! You can find plenty of other SWEs to write in here, including last year's Christmas charity ball for Seattle General Hospital and New Year's celebration. Plus, if you’ve got any ideas you’d like to see turned in an SWE, please feel free to request it using the form here!
Happy holidays, and happy writing! ❤️
Edited by Cain Adams
move, i'm gay (JUNE-JULY UPDATE)
Howre ya? It’s June, it’s Pride, and it’s time for a new NOX update!! With this new update, there are a couple of things to highlight!
Click here for the June-July challenges; once again, we’ve got ten new challenges for you to take part in and two months to get them done. As there are two months of challenges, the maximum dazzles to be awarded are 500, so get on it!
The latest NOX COTM goes to … Robert Birdson! Congratulations! Good job! You’re amazing! June/July nominations are now open; please go nominate people, pls pls, thnx.
Our Adults Only board (The Red Light District) has returned for those 18+. Also, as a reminder, threads posted here will not be counted for dazzles, and if you want access to it (heathen), ask a staff member.
On the topic of asking NOX staff members things, over on Discord, if you’ve got a NOX-related question, we’ve got a new @ to ping any available NOX staff to help you with your question. If you type in @Nox Avail into the ask-the-staff section, the available NOX staff should be to the rescue in no time.
Finally, SWEs. Two new SWEs have just dropped; there's some chaos brewing as the people of Seattle gather to watch the Lunar Eclipse; and also, we've got a nice and cosy Pride event about to take place! As always, if you’ve got any ideas you’d like to see made into Site Wide Events, please feel free to request a SWE here!
All the best, and HAPPY PRIDE!
-The NOX Staff
Edited by Draven Archwood
Click here for the June-July challenges; once again, we’ve got ten new challenges for you to take part in and two months to get them done. As there are two months of challenges, the maximum dazzles to be awarded are 500, so get on it!
The latest NOX COTM goes to … Robert Birdson! Congratulations! Good job! You’re amazing! June/July nominations are now open; please go nominate people, pls pls, thnx.
Our Adults Only board (The Red Light District) has returned for those 18+. Also, as a reminder, threads posted here will not be counted for dazzles, and if you want access to it (heathen), ask a staff member.
On the topic of asking NOX staff members things, over on Discord, if you’ve got a NOX-related question, we’ve got a new @ to ping any available NOX staff to help you with your question. If you type in @Nox Avail into the ask-the-staff section, the available NOX staff should be to the rescue in no time.
Finally, SWEs. Two new SWEs have just dropped; there's some chaos brewing as the people of Seattle gather to watch the Lunar Eclipse; and also, we've got a nice and cosy Pride event about to take place! As always, if you’ve got any ideas you’d like to see made into Site Wide Events, please feel free to request a SWE here!
All the best, and HAPPY PRIDE!
-The NOX Staff
Edited by Draven Archwood
Hello, hello, welcome to the April update for NOX. Firstly, big apologies for the lack of an update last month; unfortunately, your lovely staff team had a busy time, and we decided to save it all for this one. So with that, let's get on with what's to come!
If you hop on over here, you'll find the challenges for the next two months. We’ve decided to run 10 challenges every two months from now on. This allows you all more of a chance to finish the challenges you want to do and thus get more sparks! If you have any feedback for the new system, please feel free to let us know, whether that be in chat, the suggestion channel, or through a quick message to a staff member!
Also, there are a couple of SWEs open for you to join. The night before Imbolc, the vanguard and other bloodthirsty vampires are on the attack and aiming to turn as many witches as possible. If light and fluffy is more your speed, there's a family-friendly Open Mic Night at CJ's café; come along and get involved or maybe witness the next biggest act in the making. And lastly, get your cosplays ready for Emerald City Comic Con! Watch this space; there may be more to come during the month.
Like EH, we're combining March / April nominations for CoTM. Head over to the CoTM channel on discord and get your nominations in (there are two at the moment), as we will close it in 2 weeks to poll for our winner!
Have fun!
If you hop on over here, you'll find the challenges for the next two months. We’ve decided to run 10 challenges every two months from now on. This allows you all more of a chance to finish the challenges you want to do and thus get more sparks! If you have any feedback for the new system, please feel free to let us know, whether that be in chat, the suggestion channel, or through a quick message to a staff member!
Also, there are a couple of SWEs open for you to join. The night before Imbolc, the vanguard and other bloodthirsty vampires are on the attack and aiming to turn as many witches as possible. If light and fluffy is more your speed, there's a family-friendly Open Mic Night at CJ's café; come along and get involved or maybe witness the next biggest act in the making. And lastly, get your cosplays ready for Emerald City Comic Con! Watch this space; there may be more to come during the month.
Like EH, we're combining March / April nominations for CoTM. Head over to the CoTM channel on discord and get your nominations in (there are two at the moment), as we will close it in 2 weeks to poll for our winner!
Have fun!
I Couldn't Find a Pun for February
The votes are in, and it's been decided that the SWE timeline will remain in 2022 for now! RP time has now been added to site and your character's ages are now all set to what they were in 2022, and we have begun to release our new SWEs for the year! Don't worry, the old SWEs are still available though, with the last 5 from temp site reposted for your convenience and any others available for reposting in The Archive forum at your request <33
As for new SWEs, you can find the first of them, a lovely little NYE celebration right over in Turnwood here!
If that fluff isn't quite up to your evil writing mood, then rest assured, we have more coming for you. Vampires are descending on a surprised Spellbound Plaza, catching them before the wards for the next day's Imbolc celebrations have been set up. The link to that shall be posted in the coming days, so hang tight!
Finally, the usual housekeeping. You can find the challenges you desire hereeeee, and the new Character of the Month channel on the Discord! Don't forget to vote for that by the 20th and also the impending end of the welcome dazzles and double writing dazzles special come March.
Happy writing!! :D
As for new SWEs, you can find the first of them, a lovely little NYE celebration right over in Turnwood here!
If that fluff isn't quite up to your evil writing mood, then rest assured, we have more coming for you. Vampires are descending on a surprised Spellbound Plaza, catching them before the wards for the next day's Imbolc celebrations have been set up. The link to that shall be posted in the coming days, so hang tight!
Finally, the usual housekeeping. You can find the challenges you desire hereeeee, and the new Character of the Month channel on the Discord! Don't forget to vote for that by the 20th and also the impending end of the welcome dazzles and double writing dazzles special come March.
Happy writing!! :D
Welcome back and Happy New Year! It has been a while but this is our brand new site for all things NOX and we'd like to thank you all for your patience by giving every player who signs up by end of February 1,000 welcome dazzles. We will also be running double dazzles for all posts during this time too!!
Further, we will be resuming our monthly challenges and hope that this month's picks might assist with brushing off the cobwebs and giving you a chance to start anew with your characters.
Moving forward, as the sites will be separate now, we will look at the best way of running these challenges and may alter the amount set in future. Any suggestions are welcomed. Check them out here.
For dazzle transfers, please notify a staffer once your first character has been approved for the dazzle amount that you would like moved across from sazzles.
All existing characters will be approved immediately, however, any characters you wish to tweak will need to go through the approval process. If you plan on dropping any characters, please let us know so we can update any necessary threads.
Some site features are not quite ready but get excited because they shouldn’t be too far away!
For reposting of old threads (if you desire), we have a dedicated forum here so you can reference back to what has already happened or for timeline purporses. No threads in here will not be counted for dazzles. Please do not repost any older threads in RP forums as they have already been counted previously.
I hope you all are just as excited as we are and we can’t wait to write with you!
Further, we will be resuming our monthly challenges and hope that this month's picks might assist with brushing off the cobwebs and giving you a chance to start anew with your characters.
Moving forward, as the sites will be separate now, we will look at the best way of running these challenges and may alter the amount set in future. Any suggestions are welcomed. Check them out here.
For dazzle transfers, please notify a staffer once your first character has been approved for the dazzle amount that you would like moved across from sazzles.
All existing characters will be approved immediately, however, any characters you wish to tweak will need to go through the approval process. If you plan on dropping any characters, please let us know so we can update any necessary threads.
Some site features are not quite ready but get excited because they shouldn’t be too far away!
For reposting of old threads (if you desire), we have a dedicated forum here so you can reference back to what has already happened or for timeline purporses. No threads in here will not be counted for dazzles. Please do not repost any older threads in RP forums as they have already been counted previously.
I hope you all are just as excited as we are and we can’t wait to write with you!
Current Conditions
8th February, 2025
RP Time
9th February, 2024
9th February, 2024
37°F, Overcast Clouds
It’s 2023 and Seattle is a thriving hub for supernatural creatures of all kinds - werewolves, vampires, shifters and more. Almost ten years have passed since their exposure to the public, and yet their battle for survival against lethal hunters, scientific experiment, and an anti-supernatural government continues. With the controversial US President now assassinated, both benevolent and deadly factions battle for power over the city. There is no telling what the future will hold, only that there is no stopping change now that it has started.